When I search, I am asked to enter a username and a password. What is this?
KISR staff are asked to enter their KISR domain credentials (as his/her email username and passwords) in order to search.
Non-KISR users are required to register with NSTIC first to be able to login and search. Fill-out the registration form in the About us > Contact menu item and fill-out the designated form for non-KISR registration.

I am a non-KISR employee and I need to use NSTIC resources. What do I have to do?
Non-KISR users are required to register with NSTIC first to be able to login and search. Fill-out the registration form in the About us > Contact menu item and fill-out the designated form for non-KISR registration.

How does the search works?
The search mechanism of the portal is a one-point discovery search where a term of search is typed and searched through all NSTIC’s subscribed electronic resources, plus NSTIC’s Catalog at once and collectively. The results of the search are displayed and filters can be applied to refine search results.

How can I contact NSTIC to inquire about library related concerns?
From the portal landing page select About us > Contact menu item, in the “Type of Question“ drop-menu, select General Enquiry form and fill it out. NSTIC staff will contact you shortly.

Do I need to be a registered user to access NSTIC catalog?
NSTIC catalog is a free access to all. Searchers do not need to be registered.